Saturday, January 29, 2005

DS+Custom Wallpaper+Good Friends = *Smile*

Nintendo DS Limited VIP Pak
Originally uploaded by
Today was a good day. I was inspired by so many people. The day started kind of shit. I was really feeling down. I had so much work to do but I didn’t think I have much time. I stuffed myself with food, the usual ritual. Then I went out and took some nice photographs. It was nice. I was on my building’s roof garden. It was really stylish. I then proceeded to do some grocery shopping. When I came back I got a very nice pleasant surprise. I got a custom wallpaper. It’s this really amazing painting. It’s so beautiful. My wallpaper rocks. The lady who paiNTed it is so talented mashallah *knock on wood* so being my dumb assed self I sent her an email and I told her could I use it as a wallpaper, and to my surprise she said yes. It’s so nice,oh btw if you are reading this…I say hello, hahah yes everyone is wondering who you are…tan ta taaaaaa. Anyhow, Damn my thought train just broke. One sec let me fix it, yeah so then I studied, my 3rd med dudes had medicine and surgery exam today and everyone is stressed. I am stuck in the middle. It’s cool they be done today afternoon, ok the coolest thing happened to me. Yesterday at around 12 pm I get this email from, in this email it said as a Nintendo VIP person I get to order and receive the new Nintendo DS (double screen) before everyone else, the release date is 11 March. Only 3000 units are available across Europe. I even get a T-shirt. WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I cant wait. On Monday I am going to pay and wait, actually study, I have so much Biochemistry, Psychology and Physiology to go through, it’s not even funny. There is hope inshallah. I just do not want resits. I want to go to Canada and freeze with my hommies! Anyways all I want to say is that am happy. DS wise, life wise, and I got a kick ass Wallpaper. Today is a good day,and that concludes today's transmission.

1 comment:

Dhruv Deepak said...

Dude I cant wait for you to get your DS.
You know i've always loved gadgets with styluses. stylii?