Sunday, January 16, 2005

Buzzing in the ears....

I just got back from the College Ball, it was amazing. I had so much fun. The outcome is as follows. I decided that I hate wearing a suit. I hate the music that was played today. I hate hating stuff. But I had a blast. It was awesome. Good food *kinda*, a lot of friends, and a very high bass speakers, hence the buzzing in my ears. It was really nice, I found out that a lot of people in school are really nice. All the girls looked simply amazing. I mean you should see them at 830 in the morning for anatomy class and then compare them to the state in which they are in at the party. Very different. I have donned a suit; I wish I could’ve gone in baggy pants and a hoodie, I am really tired, will continue the post 2moro….


Dhruv Deepak said...

You should've gone in blades. and the bolo texan tie or whatever its called.
yeah girls look different once they shave.
guess what I did today?


Tala said...

I'm pretty sure Ahmed wasn't referring to the fact that "some girls shaved".

Dhruv Deepak said...

uh, yeah. i guess that was a bit sexist or something.
a more important questions. why are balls called balls?
not human balls, party balls. like balls you go to?