Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A pleasant wintery day

Sitting in my room, looking out of the window, I can see Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, the street behind it is bustling with traffic. Everyone is going back home after a long day of work. The weather was surprisingly pleasant. The odd showers here and there usually catch you off guard but it wasn’t bad. The day started out fine, was supposed to be waked up by my neighbor on her way to the hospital. It’s better than an alarm clock because that would constitute leaving the bed to open the door, but it never happened so I woke up 1.5 hours late. It’s good I didn’t have classes just work and more work. The exams are nearing. On the other hand it was nice, had a pharmacology review session. The problem is the Prof. didn’t actually do any review, instead he gave the lecture again so, I crept away in the first 10 minutes, problem is the door of the lecture theater slammed after me, Georsan and Hani. We left at intervals as not to alarm the Prof.. It was a very uncreative/unstealthy way to leave. The door slammed 3 times which meant there were 3 interuptions but I went out 1st so Geo and Hani had to bare the stares. On lighter note I have restocked my pepsi stash and gotten so much food from Marks and Spencers. The problem is that it will only last me for 2 to 3 days max. The studying is going ok. Now back to work.

MMM I am hungry,will go eat something….
*uploads post and goes foraging for food*

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