Sunday, December 12, 2004

It's saturday night... I mean sunday morning...

Looking up at the sky. That's a nice scene, living in Ireland makes you appreciate good weather. Back in Dubai, it's the inverse. One culture's rainy day is another culture's festival. It's 4:25 am, I cant really sleep. The brain went into over drive and the output is this post. I hope after this my brain activity subsides so I can go and sleep. I have an anatomy oral exal. It's a term final and i really need to study. The plan is to wake up nice and early, because tomorrow is a sunny day and i want to go for a nice skate around town. Then come back and hit the books with a couple of naps in between. I really don't think I am trying to aim for something with this post. but it's more like a snap shot of random thoughts melding into one utterly confused piece of writing. There are some loud mouthed drunk peeps screaming uncoherent senteces,which are being further distorted by their own echoes. It's quiet freaky as I live behind a very nice cathedral. It's such a magnificant structure. Anyways, i think i will go and try to sleep. Good night cyber world. Man blogging is amazing. I love this.


m. said...


Tala said...

I see your page in a funky way when I use Safari. Mozilla works fine though.
Just thought you should know that.