Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Finishing an exam and beginning a deathmatch...

Today's anatomy oral exam went well. I wanted to write a post about it but then again,why think of an exam when it's done. It was good,but then i got to play Half life 2 Deathmatch. It was amazing. I made some people cry. The best thing is the Gravity gun. Imagine a level littered with common furniture. Yes even toilets could be thrown at insane velocities at on coming enemies,killing them instantly. Or if someone is gunning u down,u pick up a radiator from the wall and use it as a shield until you are close enough, Wham! the guy...is die...i never had so much fun deathmatching....ever since the 1st half life, good games are like gemes these days. Everyone is in on it and 90% of the games out there arent given the proper time to mature. They are made with money making in mind, quality over quantity. It is a sad fact, the gaming world is being saturated by that kind of game developers. I mean half life 2 took 5.5 years to make, they took their time,and look at what you get,an amazing game, or back in the day Goldeye Eye which was developed by Rare,it was amazing,on the other hand you have EA,those people piss me off,they are like a big money generating machine,the problem is they ruin everything they get their hands on,the picked up the JamesBond rights and to this day,all their jamesbond games are utter shite, Rare 1 time = big success,EA 20+ times = failure, I think it's time to quit,

anyways enought about gaming, to my friends Sara and Tala, i wish you did well on your exams, am off ...need to wake up at 5:30,to wait in line in the nice cold to get my visa done,hope it goes smoothly,i will be armed with lecture notes,a discman and a gameboy, :)
Good night cyber world!
and as mattles commented the other day....THE CYBER WORLD NEVER SLEEP!....not if we get a world wide total system shut down due to a big ass solar flare storm....MUhahahah! *too much discovery channel*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks dude.... It went pretty well :)
Good luck on the mega-exam.