Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Unfreeing Nike Free's

Unfreeing Nike Free's
Originally uploaded by RiftDweller
I was so happy today. The tutorials were really good and it was a very productive day. I can't believe i managed to squeeze in 2 hours of studying. All in all, on the way back listening to some nice tunes, I got really hyped up and all i wanted was to do some exercise.

Did the warm up at home and set out for the jog. It was really nice, the b&b college put us up in is a 10 minute walk away. It was cool as I did it in 5. I was huffing and puffing as the fitness levels are that off a turtle hehe. The road into town comes in at an inclines, so there was this fence that starts small and winds up big as the road progresses. I jumped onto the beginning of it which was a wee bit over knee height and ran till the end which ended up to a wee bit under 2 meters.

I'm like piece of cake. Jumped higher things many times, there was a little old man walking and anticipated that run so he kindly moved to the right. As i got some air, it felt nice, the shoes were light. The breeze was nice. On the way down, everything was normal. The landing was awesome, but at the end i felt a little give, as if the support in my feet has given way, nothing to big. I compensate and while doing that I heard a pop.

The landing was comfy, I think to myself, this can't be normal. Did i pop a ligament. I feel no pain. I look down and this is what i saw. I totally ripped my pair of nike free running shoes.

Anyways I went into town and got my subway sandwich. My only solace was that I had my food and I get to buy new trainers in the weekend :D

The moral of the story, don't jump down anything that is 2 meters high using nike frees cause they can't handle it lol.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, I can't believe that! Maybe the shoes are made for couch potatoes who barely move.... damn. Are the shoes pressurised or what? why would they pop?