Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mobile posting midnight insomnia madness

Its that time of day again, the calm night. I really hate it when
sleep eludes me. The sleep is much needed, its going to be a tough
day, but still no response from the sleep fairy. Oh well at least i
get time to try out mobile blogging.

Tucked away under the blankets with my qwerty phone, typing away is
somewhat cool. There isnt a keyboard in sight and the black theme
really helps lessen eye strains acquired from starring at a bright
screen for long. Well so far so good i think.... Ive stayed home all
day, done a bit of work and bumming around. I dont think my tutor is
pleased with my actions, only our meeting tomorrow will determine my
fate hehe, i think it should be alright.

oh well, i think the sleep fairy is here, just wanted to test out
mobile blogger, hope it works...

good night cyber world *frazer crain voice*

1 comment:

Tala said...

good night weirdo