Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Unfreeing Nike Free's

Unfreeing Nike Free's
Originally uploaded by RiftDweller
I was so happy today. The tutorials were really good and it was a very productive day. I can't believe i managed to squeeze in 2 hours of studying. All in all, on the way back listening to some nice tunes, I got really hyped up and all i wanted was to do some exercise.

Did the warm up at home and set out for the jog. It was really nice, the b&b college put us up in is a 10 minute walk away. It was cool as I did it in 5. I was huffing and puffing as the fitness levels are that off a turtle hehe. The road into town comes in at an inclines, so there was this fence that starts small and winds up big as the road progresses. I jumped onto the beginning of it which was a wee bit over knee height and ran till the end which ended up to a wee bit under 2 meters.

I'm like piece of cake. Jumped higher things many times, there was a little old man walking and anticipated that run so he kindly moved to the right. As i got some air, it felt nice, the shoes were light. The breeze was nice. On the way down, everything was normal. The landing was awesome, but at the end i felt a little give, as if the support in my feet has given way, nothing to big. I compensate and while doing that I heard a pop.

The landing was comfy, I think to myself, this can't be normal. Did i pop a ligament. I feel no pain. I look down and this is what i saw. I totally ripped my pair of nike free running shoes.

Anyways I went into town and got my subway sandwich. My only solace was that I had my food and I get to buy new trainers in the weekend :D

The moral of the story, don't jump down anything that is 2 meters high using nike frees cause they can't handle it lol.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mobile posting midnight insomnia madness

Its that time of day again, the calm night. I really hate it when
sleep eludes me. The sleep is much needed, its going to be a tough
day, but still no response from the sleep fairy. Oh well at least i
get time to try out mobile blogging.

Tucked away under the blankets with my qwerty phone, typing away is
somewhat cool. There isnt a keyboard in sight and the black theme
really helps lessen eye strains acquired from starring at a bright
screen for long. Well so far so good i think.... Ive stayed home all
day, done a bit of work and bumming around. I dont think my tutor is
pleased with my actions, only our meeting tomorrow will determine my
fate hehe, i think it should be alright.

oh well, i think the sleep fairy is here, just wanted to test out
mobile blogger, hope it works...

good night cyber world *frazer crain voice*

Monday, February 25, 2008

2 years on...

It's nearly been two years since my last blog post. After the integration with google, the new interactive editing of blog templates and what not. Things seem to be improving here :D

I know this is not the way to revive a blog, but coupled with the photography in flickr, I hope this comeback lasts for long.

I miss you blogger :D

Baby, I'm home :D

I hope you guys like the new format.

Cya soon.